Full day writing agenda
Writing on your own or with a few friends or colleagues?
Here’s a full day agenda you can follow, based on the timings of the residential writing retreats.
9:30 — get settled
laptop plugged in, tea/coffee and water ready, snacks at hand, comfy slippers on!
9:45 — planning
set your goals for each of the day’s session. Be as specific and detailed as possible!
if you’re writing with friends, take time to talk about your goals out loud as well.
9:55 — writing warm-up
write for a few minutes on a topic totally unrelated to your main project.
a prompt you can use is “Dear diary…” (interpret this as fact, fiction, silly, serious, or however you like!)
10:00 — writing (90 minutes)
11:30 — break: walk & lunch
don’t skimp on the timing here! You’ve been concentrating a long time, give your mind and your body a proper break.
13:00 — writing (60 minutes)
14:00 — break: yoga
there are lots of free online yoga videos you can follow along with!
14:30 — writing (90 minutes)
16:00 — break
have a snack, stretch your legs, call a friend!
16:30 — writing (60 minutes)
17:30 — end. Well done!